Marriage-Based U.S. Immigration, Explained
Jason Finkelman, explains how to obtain U.S. lawful permanent residence (a "Green Card") for your foreign spouse.
Immigration Workshop Highlights
Immigration Attorney, Jason Finkelman hosts a variety of employment-based and family-based immigration workshops throughout the country. Jason provides engaging and easy-to-understand explanations on how U.S. and international companies, entrepreneurs, investors, business-owners, executives, professionals, skilled workers, students, and families can obtain employment visas, lawful permanent residence ("green cards") and U.S. citizenship.
Navigating the Changing Employment - Immigration Landscape
Immigration Attorney, Jason Finkelman, discusses how the recent changes to the U.S. immigration system and the hurdles being placed in front of foreign professionals, entrepreneurs and startups. Jason provides tips for navigating the current employment immigration landscape and what to expect for the upcoming H-1B visa season.
How To Obtain U.S. Permanent Residence - "Green Card" Immigration Requirements
Immigration Attorney, Jason Finkelman, breaks down the eligibility requirements for obtaining US Lawful Permanent Residence (i.e. a Green Card). He discusses how international individuals can become permanent residents of the United States through family, employment, or by making an investment.
What is the L-1 Visa? L1A Immigration Requirements
Immigration Attorney, Jason Finkelman, breaks down the L-1A visa eligibility requirements. He discusses how US companies can hire and international entrepreneurs and startups can work in the US on the L1 visa.
Helping Entrepreneurs Navigate the Immigration System with Jason Finkelman
Jason Finkelman discusses navigating the U.S. immigration system for Human Resources professionals and internationla entrepreneurs
U.S. Immigration Visa Options for Foreign Entrepreneurs & Startups
Immigration Attorney, Jason Finkelman, provides a quick overview of the U.S. immigration options for international entrepreneurs and startups, including eligibility requirements, the H-1B cap and lottery system, recent trends, and unique strategies for getting visas to work in America. For more information visit